Avoid production stops with automated robotic pallet inspection, handling and sorting
At Ferrum Group, we have developed a range of automated/robotic pallet inspection and handling systems with different functionality and capacities to meet all industry needs. Our pallet control solutions focus on preventing production downtime due to defective and unhygienic pallets. Automated inspection and sorting of pallets increases quality and capacity compared to manual pallet checks. The result is higher output and minimization of pallet defects in the production.
Be inspired by our product video highlighting our solution’s functionalities and benefits.
Easy and efficient handling and inspection of pallets
- Robotic and camera technology of the highest quality
- Easily operated by one person through Siemens HMI S7 touch panel
- Easy overview of sorted quantity of pallets
- Safe and stable handling of pallet top frames
- Nails are automatically pressed into the pallet at the nail press (not Palletscan 100 – standard)
- Brush function automatically removes dirt from the pallet surface
- Integrated scanning station scans top frames and pallets with high resolution camera technology
- 8 3D cameras provide thorough visual inspection of pallet condition
- Option to scan color and humidity
- High security and easy access to infeed and outfeed of pallets
- Plant with capacity from 80-240 pallets per hou
If you have any questions about our pallet inspection system, please feel free to call co-director CarstenPhone: +45 51 25 51 58
Palletscan 100 – Standard
Robot/automated system for pallet inspection with a capacity of 80-120 pallets per hour.
- Pallet stack delivered at inlet where robot handles pallet
- Control/inspection via vision system
- Pallets are placed in stacks on the floor in 3 sorts
- Optional pallet lanes for automatic pallet outflow and buffer available
- The system handles EUR and UK pallets
Palletscan 100 – PLUS
Robot/automated system for pallet inspection with a capacity of 80-120 pallets per hour.
- Pallet stack delivered in pallet magazine
- The robot handles the pallet feeding it through the nail press and the weigher
- Pallet inspection via vision system
- Pallets are placed in stacks on the floor in 3 sorts
- Available options:
- Pallet conveyors for automatic pallet discharge and buffer
- Extraction, independent unit
- Waste conveyor belt at nail press
- The system handles EUR and UK pallets
Palletscan 240
Palletscan including top frame sorting
Robot/automated system for pallet inspection with a capacity of 135 pallets per hour.
- The system sorts both pallets and pallet top frames.
- Capacity: 135 pallets per hour
- The system handles EUR and UK pallets
Sorting and cleaning solution for intermediate layers
In Ferrum Group, we have designed a solution to handle the sorting and cleaning process of recyclable intermediates, typically cardboard or plastic. The aim of the solution is to minimize manual costs associated with sorting and cleaning as well as to ensure consistent quality of the intermediates.
The design can be adapted to specific needs, e.g. the solution can be designed to scan both sides of the trays or only one side. The solution can be delivered with or without a cleaning unit.
The capacity of the solution depends on the scanning requirements and the general condition of the trays. The estimated capacity for scanning, sorting and cleaning is around 800 trays per hour.
The sorting and cleaning line will typically be located parallel to the pallet sorter in order for easy operation by the same operator.
The layout illustrates a complete unit with scanning on both sides and cleaning unit.
Design og layout
Description of flow in the solution
- Pallets with intermediate layers are placed on the infeed conveyor and fed to the feeder station
- Intermediate layers are scanned on the top side
- Intermediate layer is fed to scanning station 2 where the intermediate layer is scanned from the underside (vacuum conveyor)
- Presorted intermediates are distributed according to the scanning procedure in two stations
- Approved trays are transported through the cleaning unit where both sides are cleaned
- Approved trays are stacked on a pallet
If you have any questions about our sorting and cleaning solution for intermediate layers, please feel free to call co-director Carsten Jørgensen, phone: +45 51 25 51 58
Pallet sorting system for Ardagh Group
Here is a short video of a successful FAT (Factory Acceptance Test) for a pallet sorting system for Ardagh Group. The customer was satisfied and had no comments. Next step is assembly and commissioning onsite.
Carsten Jørgensen is Ferrum Group’s robotics and automation expert. Over the years, Carsten has successfully completed numerous robotics and automation projects for Danish and foreign companies. Let’s talk about the possibilities for optimizing the handling and inspection of pallets in your company. Read more about our End of Line solutions here.
Visit Ferrum Group’s LinkedIn company page
Carsten can be contacted
by phone: +45 5125 5158 or
by email: caj@ferrum-group.dk
See Carsten's LinkedIn profile